From Father Hector’s Desk – July 4, 2021

Blessing of the Animals

From today’s gospel reading:
“A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house”.

Jesus went to his native place and preached in the synagogue on a Sabbath, and people were amazed of his wisdom, and asked themselves if he was not the carpenter the son of Mary with all his relatives well known in the neighborhood.

We also can take him for granted; He can be so present that he just fits comfortably into the background of our lives.

There are many other things on our minds every waking moment – Covid 19, family responsibilities, doing house choirs, relationships, jobs, and what is especially wearing us down in our struggling with finances – frankly, we don’t have the peace of mind to think about going to church or giving Jesus any especial role in our current lives.

So, we can say like the people in Jesus’ native place, “Oh sure, we know Jesus; he’s one of ours – he has been around for years”.

So, we ask ourselves:
The Spirit of God can strength us, so we won’t miss the “mighty deeds” that Jesus does constantly for us; But, do we have faith enough to ask for a more lively faith, for the resolution of some conflict, for better listening skills , for less anxiety about the future?