Last Sunday, January 10th, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we had the “Celebration of the Word”, as a part of the Introductory Rites for Catechumens. Fr. Hector Cruz, S.M. gave them a special blessing and Sol Ramirez the RCIA Coordinator, handed out Missals with Sunday readings.
This rite is to be used principally when Mass is not celebrated or when communion is not distributed at normally scheduled times. This is for the sole purpose that the people should be nourished by the word of God. By going through this rite, they learn that the marvels it proclaims reach their climax in the paschal mystery of which the Mass is a sacramental memorial and in which they share through communion. Nourished by God’s word, they are led on to thankful and meaningful participation in the saving mysteries.